Wednesday, July 28

Award??? Suh Weet

This morning began like any other;I awoke at the wee hours of the morning (10am), immediately leaped to get up and get ready (turned on my laptop, while still lounging in pjs) and began to plan out my hectic day (lunch with Megan...), all the norm. When I turned my attention to my friend Lacey's blog (which is hilarious and you should read it immediately), I saw that she had given me an award! This one:

I don't know a ton about internet blog awards, but I am pretty stoked to get one! So I think I am supposed to tell you ten things about myself and then give this award to 5 other people. So here are ten things about me:

1. I once killed a man in Reno just to watch him die.

2. I find that making up lists of things about me to be a difficult task...

3. I have lived in Arizona my whole life.

4. My favorite television show of all time is Friends.

5. I watched Shutter Island last night and was not impressed.

6. I have been in an accident while driving my friend's car, and my sister got in an accident while driving my car. Apparently we are not to be trusted.

7. I drink a lot of milk. It is to this fact that I attribute my lack of broken bones.

8. I am also ridiculously clumsy and upon further reflection, I am frankly astonished I haven't broken any bones. It is possible I am some sort of super hero, but don't know it.

9. I took sign language in high school and college. I live in Arizona. This is quite possibly the most useless language I could have learned.

10. I want to be a teacher.

Now I am supposed to pass on the award! I would totally give this back to Lacey if she didn't already have one...also I don't know how internet awards feel about being re-gifted. I will definitely be passing this on as soon as I can and will post about it when I do. Until then, thanks again Lace Face McGee!


  1. aww yay! Thanks for thinking about re-gifting it to me!!! and I love the things about you haha. I think I liked Shutter Island, but it was weird.

  2. LOL I love your first about me. Awesome. I knew there was something special about you Brittany...and apparently it is the fact that you are a heartless killer.

    I also love your example of your physically and mentally demanding day. Sounds a lot like my days...except that you don't have the nasty breath of summer classes breathing down your neck. You lucky whore.

    Love you!

  3. The report noted that it was impossible to predict tax revenues from the initiative, which leaves that decision up to individual cities and counties. Based on a statewide $50 per ounce tax proposed in a legalization bill introduced by Sen Marlboro Cigarettes. Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), the report said state tax revenues could range from $650 million to $1 Newport Cigarettes.49 billion.
