Monday, July 26

When I Get a House and Also Become a Billionaire...

When the two things in the title converge, there will be an explosion of awesome that defies all other things previously considered awesome. My house is going to be a collaboration of creative, excessive and possibly stupendisity. That's right. My home will warrant new adjectives.

A couple of items that will hopefully find their way into that splendiferous being that will be my house are:

1. A bookshelf that leads to a secret room. I don't really care what kind of room; bedroom, study, llama holding facility... All I want is a bookshelf that leads there.

2. An aquarium where you wouldn't typically find one. Hopefully with something awesome inside- like a squid or a mermaid. I never did too well with fish... I would also need someone on staff that would clean out the tank... This picture concerns me now, cause what if the fish dies and you are like, man I really want to wash my hands, but the sink has dead fish stank emanating from it. Hmmmm... Okay, so maybe no fishtank sink. The point still stands though... it looks sweet.

3. I love to swim. I have always wanted one of those horizon pools that looks as if it continues forever. I also would like one of those pools with the super powerful jets so that when you swim, you can 'pretend' you are swimming laps, even though you don't really go anywhere. This pool would be even cooler if the bottom was glass too, so you could see all the way down.

4. A loft. I have always wanted a loft. I don't know why. It is like a half-assed second story, yet I really want one. I guess that's all on the loft situation.

So these are just a few things I want in my future house de awesome. What do you think?


  1. I have always wanted a loft TOO!
    I also like that your future domicile warrants words never before uttered. HAHA....
    although I cant help but laugh because in order to achieve this awesome dwelling your gonna live in a hut in Africa first HEHEHE.

  2. Well, Brittany, I think that maybe if we are both making only half a billion dollars we can move in together and create the billion dollar house because we pretty much want all the same things. I also want a secret bookshelf and I also want a loft. I hadn't thought about the other two things, but I am willing to jump on that bandwagon.

    I also want some secret passageways. Not just one, some! lol.

    I might steal this idea for my blog...I love it!

  3. haha heck yes on the secret passageways! I am so down with that! If we could just get the Pentagon to unite- we could create a super house on a teacher salary...right? ...right? ...

  4. secret bookshelf room = awesome. You should check out one of Jackie Chan's houses (I think it's Jackie Chan anyway) because he remodeled an old warehouse and it has a ton of secret passageways.

    Also, I have always wanted a glass bottom pool on the second floor so that you can walk under it like at an aquarium or Sea World or something.

    Your house is gonna be tiiiiight, yo.
