Saturday, May 15

So I have discovered I am an incredibly lazy doodler! I am not nearly as talented as my friend Lace Face, but I still want to keep this blog thing going. So while my actual doodles will most likely be few and far between, I still want to keep writing!

I have been in the process of applying to the Peace Corps and let me tell ya, it is a long process! I am currently trying to finish the two essays required. It is a little stressful since I know how competitive the program is. So I am also filling out an application for the Boys and Girls Club. I figure it is a great way to give back to my community, brush up on some real world tutoring and make myself a more competitive applicant for PC!

The more I research it, the more I realize I could go anywhere and be happy! A bure in Fiji, a mud hut in Mozambique, or a house in Benin, I just want them to accept me!!

Last night my sister and I got some sushi at Sushi Eye. It was insanely delicious. The sushi revolves on this carousel thing and you essentially just grab what looks appetizing...unfortunately for us and our bank accounts, everything looked appetizing!

I could eat that business everyday...

Last night, I was watching Fringe and got scared out of my mind! I am usually pretty good about scary movies, but something about ominous phone calls and the extremely attractive Joshua Jackson being in danger scared the crap out of me!

Guess that's all for now! Until later, I will continue to start multiple doodles and finish...none of them. Wish me luck!


  1. YAY a new post! I'm so excited! Good luck on the PC application process. They would be lucky to have you :) and though they are not doodles, I like the pictures you added :D

  2. Oh man! Well, now I so feel like I need to start blogging again and we can all follow each other. It will be amazing. :)

    I hope that you get into the PC like you want! Only I will miss you. So you better send postcards. Or long 10 page letters. Whichever. :D

    Oh and also Sushi is amazing. :)

  3. haha yea! For pseudo doodling!
    umm I definitely think 10 page letters will be the way to go lol
    Also Skype dates. all the time!
